Richland County Comprehensive Plan 2024-2034
SWWRPC has worked with Richland County to update the county's comprehensive plan. This plan lays out the current conditions for Richland County, and focuses on strategies and actions related to economic development, intergovernmental cooperation, and land use. The plan also provides updated future land use maps for towns under county zoning, which incorporated input from townships. The development...

Lafayette County Land & Water Resource Management Plan
Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SWWRPC) has collaborated with several partner agencies to develop a ten-year implementation plan to guide Lafayette County’s soil and water conservation efforts. This document identifies the natural resource assets in the county and outlines action the county will take to preserve or improve them. These resources include surface and ground water,...

City of Shullsburg Comprehensive Plan 2023-2033
The Shullsburg Comprehensive Plan process began in August of 2021. City leadership desired direction to guide the community towards its most important priorities. After meeting with community leaders and established a Comprehensive Plan Committee in November of 2021. The public engagement process began in early 2022. Two public meetings were held at the Shullsburg School in March. The themes were:...
Village of Arena Comprehensive Plan 2020 - 2040
The Arena Comprehensive Planning process is a grassroots effort that began in 2016 to bring together community stakeholders to collaboratively plan and create a unique, flourishing, and resilient Arena for the 20 years to come. This plan is the result of extensive public input collected through six public input sessions and a community survey. Together, over 34 unique participants provided their...

Village of Lone Rock Comprehensive Plan 2021-2031
The Lone Rock Comprehensive Plan update process began with initial discussions among residents and business owners seeking a shared vision for the future of the village. In 2020, Lone Rock began working with the Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to develop a 10-year Comprehensive Plan to facilitate and coordinate efforts within and outside of the village to accomplish this shared...

Lafayette County Farmland Preservation Plan
The Lafayette County Farmland Preservation Plan identifies key issues threatening productive farming and farmland in Lafayette County, and assets for preserving the county’s rural and agrarian culture. It is a 10 year (2016 – 2026) action and implementation plan that emphasizes cooperation with partners in Lafayette County. The Lafayette County Farmland Preservation Plan also identifies...

City of Darlington Comprehensive Plan 2023-2033
The City of Darlington desired to update their outdated Comprehensive Plan which was completed last in 2003. The SWWRPC met with the city council and a timeline was established. After creating a Comprehensive Plan Committee in early 2022 extensive public outreach began. The SWWRPC created community surveys in both English and Spanish as a reflection of the community’s demographic resulting in a very...
Hazard Mitigation Plans
To help communities prepare for future hazards and build more resilient communities, SWWRPC works closely with county emergency managers to develop FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plans. These plans are created through collaboration with local leaders in schools, police, fire, EMS, local nonprofits and social services, community representatives, local industry representatives, and other key community...

Sinsinawa Land Stewardship Plan
Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SWWRPC) has created a Strategic Planning and Land Stewardship Implementation project in conjunction with the Dominican Sisters at Sinsinawa Mound in southern Grant County. These forward-thinking plans were developed through a collaborative process that was designed to ensure ecological stewardship of the land and resources at Sinsinawa Mound. SWWRPC...

Outdoor Recreation
Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plans are an expression of the community’s goals for and objectives for current and future needs for recreational facilities. The intent of recreation planning is to plan for the maintenance and improvement of recreational and open space resources by outlining a strategy to manage existing resources and to develop new resources to meet future...

City of Boscobel Comprehensive Plan 2022-2032
The Boscobel Comprehensive Planning process is a grassroots effort that began in 2021 to bring together community stakeholders to collaboratively plan and coordinate City resources, to create a unique, flourishing, and resilient future for the City of Boscobel. This plan is the result of extensive public input collected through five public input sessions and a community survey. Together, over 72 unique...
Green County Farmland Preservation Plan
SWWRPC worked with the Green County Land and Water Conservation Department to update the county's farmland preservation plan. This plan lays out the current conditions for agriculture in Green County, identifies key agricultural infrastructure across the county, and provides resources for agricultural producers. It is a 10-year (2024 – 2034) action and implementation plan that emphasizes cooperation...