Transportation Planning
SWWRPC serves as the regional transportation planning agency, recognized by the U.S. and Wisconsin Department of Transportation. SWWRPC conducts transportation planning to help the communities of southwestern Wisconsin meet their transportation needs–from roads, highways and streets, to rail, air and water, to walking and biking.
Over the years, SWWRPC staff have helped acquire funding for transportation resources, assured southwest Wisconsin has a voice in the state’s decision-making, and assisted local officials with any transportation-related questions and concerns they might have.
Our transportation planning aims to best meet the needs of the region’s communities. If you have any questions or a transportation-related concern that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Manager.
Platteville Bike & Ped Plan 2023
Building upon Platteville's 2009 Safe Routes to School Plan, SWWRPC identified future bike and pedestrian infrastructure that will allow residents to access amenities such as grocery stores, healthcare facilities, parks, housing, bus stops, and more. With recommendations split into commuter and recreational categories, the plan serves to provide a safe and accessible multi-modal transportation network...

Rail Transit Commissions
Created under state law, rail transit commissions oversee preservation, operation, and improvement of freight rail lines. SWWRPC provides land management and administration support to the Pecatonica Rail Transit Commission, South Central Wisconsin Rail Transit Commission, and Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission. Each of these commissions fall completely or partially within the five-county region.Wisconsin...

Regionally Coordinated Transit Plans
Every few years, as part of our transportation planning, SWWRPC assists each of our five counties create their Locally Developed, Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plans. Federal transit law requires that each of our counties has a plan in place in order to be eligible for transit funds.

Southwest Transit Team (SWTT)
Looking for ways to give back to your community and make a positive difference in someone's life? Consider volunteer driving!Volunteer drivers help fill the gap in our rural transportation services. The program provides door-to-door, appointment based service. Priority is given for trips to medical appointments for seniors and adults with disabilities.Drivers must be over 18 years old. Other requirements...

Safe Routes to School
SWWRPC helps make walking and biking safer throughout southwestern Wisconsin by helping communities create Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plans. SRTS is a rising international effort to increase safety and promote walking and bicycling to school through engineering, education, enforcement, encouragement, and evaluation. Over the past 30 years, there has been a rise in obesity and physical inactivity...