About Us
Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SWWRPC) is an extension of local government in Southwestern Wisconsin. We provide low-cost expert planning and economic development services to the county, city, village, and town governments of our five-county jurisdiction (Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, and Richland counties). We assist our local communities to save both time and money while planning for the future. SWWRPC is one of nine Regional Planning Commissions in the State of Wisconsin and was created by an Executive Order in 1970.
Over 85% of our budget comes from funding outside the region, with the SWWRPC bringing in over $14 million of economic development funding alone. We have leveraged these self-generated funds to help our counties and their communities save costs and prevent redundancy while preparing for future challenges.
Mission Statement
The Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission collaborates with communities and organizations to build capacity within southwestern Wisconsin, serving as advocates for its residents. We create opportunities and develop dynamic solutions to the challenges facing the region. We foster growth by supporting innovative endeavors that provide tangible benefits to those we serve. We believe in the bold vision of southwestern Wisconsin and work to build the region’s future.
A Vision for Southwestern Wisconsin
The following vision was crafted based on input from many community members through the Grow Southwest Wisconsin project.
We envision a southwestern Wisconsin that has met its full potential. A place that is recognized for its resilient and diverse economy, high quality of life, and distinctive Driftless landscape. It will be a place where interconnected bonds between individuals and organizations form strong communities of inclusion and cooperation. Southwestern Wisconsin will be a place where the richness of the land contributes to the healthy lives of its residents and visitors — and the stewardship of our natural resources is a shared and valued responsibility. Our region will be a place that fosters innovation and creativity, inspiring and empowering thinkers and doers. With deep respect for the traditions that built southwestern Wisconsin, we strive to create the best possible region for tomorrow.
SWWRPC Annual Reports
The Annual Report covers the highlights of the work over the past 12 months.
Contact us to learn more about how the Planning Commission can help your community or business be more successful.

2022-2025 Strategic Plan
Title VI Statement
Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SWWRPC) ensures nondiscrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d) and the U.S. Department of Transportation implementing regulations. If you need more information or special assistance, please contact:
Troy Maggied
Title VI Coordinator
(608) 342-1636
Any person who believes he or she has been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with SWWRPC. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with SWWRPC within 180 days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. For information on how to file a complaint, contact the Title VI Coordinator.