Community Infrastructure and Asset Mapping

Mapping infrastructure and community assets has grown in demand across our region as utility departments seek to streamline their operations. Our team has worked to produce comprehensive maps identifying municipal infrastructure, economic development opportunities, public assets, and any other relevant geographic entities such as floodplain, parcel boundaries, and several others in a manner that is both custom-tailored to and cost-effective for the municipalities we partner with. This work helps put smaller communities "on the map", allowing the public to quickly and easily visualize a vast array of assets that make these communities worth visiting, relocating to, or starting a business in.

Infrastructure mapping helps municipal employees and representatives make quick decisions regarding assets throughout their community and prioritize funding for capital improvements with utilities including water, sewer, storm water, and electric. These online maps also support retention of institutional knowledge in the case of employee turnover or damage/loss of paper records. Infrastructure mapping delivers a wealth of information quickly and easily, allowing for all aspects of a project to be taken into account simultaneously when making decisions pertaining to economic development and other related long-term planning projects.

Follow the links below to see the platforms already developed for Dickeyville, Boscobel, Platteville, and the Town of Belmont.*

Visit the map for Dickeyville GIS

Visit the map for Boscobel GIS

Visit the map for Platteville GIS

Visit the map for Town of Belmont GIS

*The linked maps are the publicly available versions of these sites which include less information overall.  Each municipality has access to a private site that presents sensitive data such as municipal infrastructure.

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