Broadband Mapping

Across the Prosperity Southwest Wisconsin (PSW) Region, portions of our cities, villages and towns are unserved or underserved by broadband. Over the years, the Public Service Commission (PSC) of Wisconsin has awarded grants to help subsidize the expansion of better broadband service to affected communities. With the desire to improve broadband access in our region, SWWRPC has developed a detailed GIS tool to map survey work around broadband access, PSC Broadband Expansion Grants and Coverage Data, and other critical services and facilities using Iowa County as a pilot. The project has since expanded to cover the entire PSW region in order to build greater granular data around broadband supply and demand, and then fill in the gaps. This initiative has resulted in conversations with local communities and a few providers in anticipation of future grants, and having all the past projects mapped out has been a huge help for this process. 

To visit our regional broadband map, follow the link below:

Visit the map for the Prosperity Southwest Wisconsin Region

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